16 December 2013 saw the annual Christmas Carol train to Sherborne and Yeovil.
Orginally booked for 60163 'Tornado' a change of Train Operating Company saw the train rostered for one Black 5. In the event two locos were provided giving the volunteers and support crew plenty to do in the 2 1/4 hours available for servicing.

Arrival at 14.29 after a 7.45am departure from London Victoria
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

The two locos in the loop with the POB being detached. Yeovil's Ruston shunter waits in the background.
(Photo courtesy Brian Haigh)

(Photo courtesy Brian Haigh)

After detaching from the train, the POB (support coach) was left in the loop whilst 44871 went for coal. 45407 was turned, watered and then serviced over the pit.
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

Whilst this was going on, Yeovil Railway Centre's Ruston shunter propelled the POB back through the (open!) gate.
Later the engines swapped places.
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

Water being taken.
(Photo courtesy Brian Haigh)

(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

The gang who tanked the coaches whilst the other servicing was happening.
(Photo courtesy Brian Haigh)

Both engines have now been turned. 45407 couples to the POB and....
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

....reverses back into the headshunt and....
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

....runs around the train.
(Photo courtesy John Cornelius)

After attaching, 45407 will propel the train back to clear points (50050 'Fearless' in the background)....

(Photo courtesy Brian Haigh)

whilst 44871 waits on Platform 4 to run forward.

Awaiting 'Right Away' and an on-time departure (16.42) back to London Victoria running via Salisbury, Romsey, Chichester, Hove, Three Bridges and Redhill arriving 1 minute late at 23.56!