31 October 2016. Around 200 visitors came to our annual Halloween evening. We hope they enjoyed themselves - albeit with a few shocks!
All photos except where stated are courtesy Brian Haigh.

Views in Transfer Shed (Visitor Centre) with some horrors (no, not our volunteers!)


Crawling baby.

Crawling baby meets a curious youngster!

Getting ready to meet....

....a shocking sight!

A spooky train ride into the night....

....careful not to go too far! Several surprises were to be found hereabouts! but difficult to photograph unfortunately.

Bat Girl!

Spooky train crew (that's normal though!).

A tired looking spooky fireman!

A very scarey member of the train crew!

Steam by night - always special!

Scares in the brake van (aka Mr Pumpkin Head!)

Our lads and lasses in the Catering Department.

Pumpkins to be recycled via some happy pigs!
Santa preparations to begin!
(Photo by webmaster)