A Replacement Toilet Block for Yeovil Railway Centre March 2020 (updated August 2021)


Dear Members & Friends

Can you help the Centre fund the replacement toilet block that is sorely required to replace a facility that is well past its sell by date and, as many of you will know, is reached by stairs

difficult for many and impossible for some.

The Centre also lacks a dedicated disabled toilet at present and we have to hire one in when required.

The new block doubles or more the existing arrangements whilst adding a store and disabled toilet which will be fully accessible to all and will be situated adjacent to the Water Tower.

Where have we reached so far?

The Centre is most grateful to Jim Milton who has completed the drawings free of charge and Planning Permission has been granted by South Somerset Council.

Network Rail (as our landlord) have also consented.

Detailed plans for Building Control purposes are approved. Subject to finance, building work can be started in the Autumn 2022.

What happens next?

A nucleus of volunteers with the necessary skills has offered to help as the costs will be kept as low as possible. It is estimated that the cost of materials alone will be in the region of £25,000

before adding in other charges (Planning Permission, Disabled equipment and some professional help where absolutely necessary etc).


The Trustees will ring fence your donation so that it can only be used for the purpose intended. In the event that the project cannot proceed for any reason we will write and offer various options

(including the return of your donation). Should the Appeal be over-subscribed we would propose to use any surplus towards our general expenses or another project unless you indicate

otherwise when replying.



Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and appreciate that you will receive many calls on your money.

If you are able to support this worthy cause, which will greatly improve the visitor experience, the Volunteers and Trustees will be most grateful and can begin the hard work!


Paul Gould





Yeovil Railway Centre - Toilet Block replacement

a)    Please find enclosed a payment (to Yeovil Railway Centre) of _________

b)    I have remitted the sum of ______________ direct to Barclays Bank Yeovil 20-99-40 Account Yeovil Railway Centre number 70991724

c)     Your Name______________________

d)    Your Address__________________________________________________________.

e)     Your Membership number (if applicable)____________________.

Our address: Toilet Block Appeal, Yeovil Railway Centre, Yeovil Junction Station, Stoford, YEOVIL BA22 9UU


Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.


We already hold many Gift Aid declarations for members and friends which we will use for your kind donation (unless you cancel it with us in the event of not paying sufficient income and/or capital gains tax).

We will acknowledge your kind donation and enclose a Gift Aid declaration for completion and return (if applicable) if we do not already hold one